


Complete analysis of sources and uses of funds by currency, securities borrowed by portfolio, legal entity and type of security. Established and implemented procedures and controls at all levels.


Generated savings of $12m per annum through improved daily cash and fails management, increasing number of interest claims and their overall recovery rate.


Specified and built a system for funding, costing and accounting for fails. Enhanced the feed to the ‘Cost of Carry’ system.


Identified, researched and implemented globalisation solutions for cash accounts for different legal entities within the group – generating savings of $400k per annum.


Streamlined processes and procedures for the executive in the monitoring of currency limits and control over FX and MM rate capture.


Reviewed the Cash Management process for a European bank and provided recommendations for a more effective flow of information, thereby reducing overdraft charges.


Reviewed the entire funding process for a leading financial institution to establish the funding gap between the charges made to business units and that suffered by Treasury from external sources.